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Emergent Literacy


Finger on the Map

Rationale: This lesson will help students to identify /t/, the phoneme which is represented by T. The Students will learn how to recognize /t/ in spoken words by saying “tap” as they tap their desk and hear the sound, which is a meaningful representation. They will also learn how to recognize the letter T, practice finding /t/ in words, and apply phoneme awareness with /t/ in phonetic cue reading by distinguishing rhyming words from beginning letters.
Materials: Primary paper and pencil; chart with “Tom tasted ten tiny treats today”; drawing paper and crayons; Dr. Suess’s ABC (Random House, 1963); word cards with TIP, TOP, TON, TAIL, TANK, and TRUCK; assessment worksheet identifying pictures with /t/.

Procedures: 1. Say: Our written language is a secret code. The tricky part is learning what letters stand for---the mouth moves we make as we say words. Today we’re going to work on spotting the mouth move /t/. We spell /t/ with the letter T. When we tap our desks with our finger, it makes the sound tuh tuh tuh tuh, or t t t t.

2. Let’s quietly tap our desks, /t/, /t/, /t/. Notice how your tongue moves? When we say /t/, our tongue starts at the roof of our mouth and air pushes off of it.

3. Let me show you how to find /t/ in the word lift. I am going to stretch the word lift out in slow motion and listen for the /t/ sound like when we tap on our desk: ll-i-i-ft. Now slower: lll-i-i-fff- tttt. There it is! I felt my tongue touch the very top of my roof of my mouth and the air push down and out. I can hear the tap /t/ in lift.

4.Now we are going to try a tongue twister (on the chart). “Tom tasted ten tiny treats today.” Let’s say this together three times. Now say it again, but this time, stretch the /t/ at the beginning of the words. “TTTTom ttttasted tttten ttttiny ttttreats ttttoday.” Try it again, but this time break the /t/ off the word” “/T/om /t/asted /t/en /t/iny /t/reats /t/oday.”


5. [have students take out primary paper and pencil]. We use the letter T to spell /t/. Capital T looks like an upside down broom. Let’s start with writing the lowercase letter t. Start just below the rooftop and then draw a straight line all the way down to the sidewalk. The cross the line at the fence. I want to see everybody’s t. After I put a star on it, I want you to make nine more just like it.


6. Call on students to answer and tell how they knew: Do you hear /t/ in foot or hand? Finger or toe? Hot or cold? Lift or drop? Stiff or sore? Say: Let’s see if you can spot the mouth move /t/ in some words. Quietly tap your desk if you hear /t/ in these words: tree, dog, cat, damp, fly, fast, ten, hit, clap, can.


7. Say: “Let’s look at an alphabet book. Dr. Suess tells us a tongue teaser to name things that start with the letter T!” Read page 46 and draw out the /t/. Ask the students if they can think of things that may use at home that start with the letter T and ask them to draw them and write the name of the item. The display the students’ work.


8. Show TIP and model how to decide if it is tip or sip: The T tells us to think of the tap sound when we tap our desks, /t/, so this word is tttt-ip, tip. You try some: TON: ton or won? TAME: tame or fame? TAIL: tail or sail? TOP: top or mop? TANK: tank or sank? TRUCK: truck or luck?


9. For assessment, hand out the worksheet. Students will color the pictures that begin with T. Call students individually to read the phonetic cue words from step #8.


Murray, Bruce:

Assessment worksheet:


Tapping with T

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